Festival Calendars

This section will cover the function for generating specific festival calendars:

as well as a generic function that allows you to choose the parameters to generate any festival calendar, festival_calendar().

In addition, it introduces some utility functions:

All the code snippets below assume that you have imported heniautos under the name ha like so:

>>> import heniautos as ha

The city-specific calendars differ in the times when the years start and in the names of the months. The generic festival_calendar() method allows you to choose these parameters for any other required Greek calendar (the specific methods above are simply wrappers around festival_calendar()).

The examples below will use athenian_festival_calendar() since this is the one you are probably most interested in. This and all the city-specific functions take the same parameters and most parameters are optional. For the simplest use only the year is required. The year, however, must be an integer according to Astronomical Year Numbering. Years BCE are represented as negative numbers but 1 BCE is 0 (not -1), 2 BCE is -1, and so on, with the years offset by 1 in the positive direction. To generate a calendar for 400 BCE:

>>> calendar = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399)

If you don’t want to work out the astronomical year numbering every time, you can use bce_as_negative():

>>> ha.bce_as_negative(400)

So these two invocations are equivalent:

>>> calendar = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> calendar = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(ha.bce_as_negative(400))

bce_as_negative() is its own inverse but, so you don’t have to remember that (and because it could lead to some obscure code), there is an explicit inverse function negative_as_bce():

>>> ha.bce_as_negative(400)
>>> ha.bce_as_negative(-399)
>>> ha.negative_as_bce(-399)

Year Tuples and FestivalDay Objects

The calendar functions return a tuple of FestivalDay objects (which are instances of namedtuple), one FestivalDay for each day of the year.

>>> calendar = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> len(calendar)
>>> calendar[0]
FestivalDay(jdn=1575526, month_name='Hekatombaiṓn', month_index=1, month=<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>, month_length=29, day=1, doy=1, year='BCE 400/399', year_length=354, astronomical_year=-399)

The first item in the tuple in the example above would have these properties and values:






Corresponding Julian Day Number



Name of Athenian month



Order of month in the year



Constant representing the month



Length of this month



Day of the month



Day of the year


‘BCE 400/399’

Julian year(s) corresponding to the Athenian year



Length of this year



Astronomical year

Altogether, this means that this is the first day (doy = 1) of the Athenian year 400/399 BCE. This year (or actually the beginning of the year) corresponds to the astronomical year -399 (that is, 400 BCE) and the year is calculated to be 354 days long. It is also the first day (day = 1) of the first month (month_index = 1). The month’s name is Hekatombaiṓn, and it has 29 days.

Grouping by Month

The tuples returned by the festival calendar function contain one object per day. For convenience, there is a by_months() function that will group this into a tuple of tuples. Each member of the outer tuple represents a month and contains a tuple of FestivalDay objects for the days in that month.

>>> year = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(ha.bce_as_negative(400))
>>> len(year)
>>> (year[0].month_name, year[0].day)
('Hekatombaiṓn', 1)
>>> (year[1].month_name, year[1].day)
('Hekatombaiṓn', 2)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> len(months)
>>> len(months[0])
>>> (months[0][0].month_name, months[0][0].day)
('Hekatombaiṓn', 1)
>>> (months[1][0].month_name, months[1][0].day)
('Metageitniṓn', 1)

Julian Day Numbers

No modern (that is, Gregorian or Julian) calendar date is included in FestivalDay objects, but this can be calculated jdn property. The Julian Day Number is the number of the day counting from January 1, 4713 BCE, a system devised by Joseph Scaliger, a classical scholar, in 1583 and still used by astronomers and chronologists today. For modern (or modern-like) versions of ancient dates, historians usually employ the Proleptic Julian Calendar, so you will probably want to use as_julian() to convert the JDN into a string equivalent of a Julian calendar date:

>>> ha.as_julian(1575526)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'

For a Proleptic Gregorian Calendar date, use as_gregorian():

>>> ha.as_gregorian(1575526)
'BCE 0400-Jul-17'

Heniautos uses the juliandate package for these conversations. For more detail refer to that documentation.


Note that there is no conversion to a Python date or datetime available because the datetime library does not handle BCE dates.

Julian and Gregorian Dates

as_julian() and as_gregorian() have some further options. With full=True the output includes the time (HH:MM:SS) and timezone (GMT by default). Note that Julian Days start at noon, so any decimal part indicates the fraction of 24 hours following noon and therefore anything past .5 (midnight) actually falls into the next (Julio-Gregorian) day

>>> ha.as_julian(1575526, full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22 12:00:00 GMT'
>>> ha.as_julian(1575526.78, full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jul-23 06:43:12 GMT'
>>> ha.as_gregorian(1575526, full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jul-17 12:00:00 GMT'
>>> ha.as_gregorian(1575526.78, full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jul-18 06:43:12 GMT'

Time Zones

The tz parameter takes one of two options: TZOptions.GMT (The default) or TZOptions.ALT. Since there were no time zones and no daylight savings time in the ancient world, ALT is an invented “timezone” that advances the time about 1 hour 35 minutes to reflect the fact that Athens is about 23.73 degrees east of the meridian. That is, if you were measuring time exactly by the sun, by the time it reaches noon in Greenwich, it is already almost 1:35 PM in Athens.

>>> ha.as_julian(1575526.78, full=True, tz=ha.TZOptions.ALT)
'BCE 0400-Jul-23 08:18:06 ALT'
>>> ha.as_gregorian(1575526.78, full=True, tz=ha.TZOptions.ALT)
'BCE 0400-Jul-18 08:18:06 ALT'

Month Names

The optional name_as parameter controls the form of the month_name property of the FestivalDay objects. The choices are: transliteration (default), abbreviation, and Greek. It takes one of the MonthNameOptions values.

The default is transliteration, which you can choose explicitly with MonthNameOptions.TRANSLITERATION:

>>> ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399)[0].month_name
>>> ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.TRANSLITERATION)[0].month_name

For abbreviations use ha.MonthNameOptions.ABBREV:

>>> ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.ABBREV)[0].month_name

And to get the month names in Greek, use ha.MonthNameOptions.GREEK:

>>> ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.GREEK)[0].month_name

Intercalated Month

When intercalations are required (see Festival Calendar Basics) Heniautos intercalates some default month (usually the sixth), but this can be controlled with the intercalate parameter.

For example, 211/210 BCE should be an intercalary year. By default the intercalated month will be a second Posideiṓn, Posideiṓn hústeros.

>>> year = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-210)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0211-Jul-04', 'Hekatombaiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Aug-02', 'Metageitniṓn')
('BCE 0211-Aug-31', 'Boēdromiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Sep-30', 'Puanopsiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Oct-29', 'Maimaktēriṓn')
('BCE 0211-Nov-28', 'Posideiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Dec-27', 'Posideiṓn hústeros')
('BCE 0210-Jan-26', 'Gamēliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Feb-24', 'Anthestēriṓn')
('BCE 0210-Mar-26', 'Elaphēboliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Apr-25', 'Mounukhiṓn')
('BCE 0210-May-24', 'Thargēliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Jun-23', 'Skirophoriṓn')

However we know from an inscription, IG II³,1 1137, not only that 211/210 was an interalary year but also that Anthestēriṓn was the intercalated month. We can recreate this by passing the right month constant (see Month Constants below), in this case AthenianMonths.ANT:

>>> year = ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-210, intercalate=ha.AthenianMonths.ANT)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0211-Jul-04', 'Hekatombaiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Aug-02', 'Metageitniṓn')
('BCE 0211-Aug-31', 'Boēdromiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Sep-30', 'Puanopsiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Oct-29', 'Maimaktēriṓn')
('BCE 0211-Nov-28', 'Posideiṓn')
('BCE 0211-Dec-27', 'Gamēliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Jan-26', 'Anthestēriṓn')
('BCE 0210-Feb-24', 'Anthestēriṓn hústeros')
('BCE 0210-Mar-26', 'Elaphēboliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Apr-25', 'Mounukhiṓn')
('BCE 0210-May-24', 'Thargēliṓn')
('BCE 0210-Jun-23', 'Skirophoriṓn')

First Day of the Month

To the Greeks, “new moon” (νουμηνία) meant the first night that the first sliver of the waxing crescent was visible (see Festival Calendar Basics). We can’t say exactly when this occured for any given month since there are many variables involved, nor do we know how much the Greeks cared about actually sighting this moon over calculating or even just guestimating when it should be visible. Heniautos uses an approximation, defining the day of the visible new moon as some N days after the date of the conjunction, by default 1.

This can be changed with the v_off (for “visibility offset”) parameter. Again, the default is 1, so these are equivalent:

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'
>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, v_off=1)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'

If you wanted to treat the new moon as visible on the day of the conjunction you would pass v_off=0. The effect would be shifting all the dates up one day (which might have an effect on which years all intercalary).

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, v_off=0)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0400-Jul-21'

Or you could use v_off=2 to make the new visible two days after the day of the conjunction.

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-399, v_off=2)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0400-Jul-23'

Day of the Solstice

Just as we can’t be sure when (even if) the Ancient Greeks literally sighted the new moon, we can’t be sure when they observed a solstice or equinox. By default, Heniautos treats the solstices and equinoxes as observed on the days which they actually occurred but, to handle the uncertainty, you can adjust this by supplying an integer with the s_off parameter.

This will only be obvious (at least with reasonable values) in the case of intercalations. For instance, from strictly judging by astronomical phenomena, they year 422/421 BCE should begin on July 26, following an intercalary 423/421

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-421)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0422-Jul-26'

However, the previous new moon, on June 26 would have been very close to the solstice that year (June 28). If the solstice was observed just two days early, that would put it on the same day as the June 26 new moon and the year (at least as Heniautos calculates it) would begin the next day and in June rather than July, with the intercalation moved from 423 to 422:

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-421, s_off=-2)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0422-Jun-27'

Something similar can be achieved by combining v_off and s_off. In this case using s_off=-1 to indicate a solstice observed one day before the true solstice and v_off=2 to indicate a new moon observed two days after the conjunction (rather than 1) you get:

>>> ha.as_julian(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-421, s_off=-1, v_off=2)[0].jdn)
'BCE 0422-Jun-28'

In general, the default values will be good enough. There are times, though, that you may want to explore other options. For example, though the details are not important here, there is some reason to believe that 422/421 BCE was intercalary and may have begun just before summer solstice. If this is not of vital interest to you, you probably never need to worry about v_off and s_off.

Other Calendars

The various calendars of different Greek cities had different month names and began relative to different solstices or equinoxes. They might also differ in whether the first month followed the solstice or equinox or the the month in which the solstice or equinox occured.

For instance, in Delphi, the year began, as in Athens, after the summer solstice so the twelve months have the same dates as the in Athenian year, but different names:

>>> year = ha.delphian_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Jul-22', 'Apellaîos')
('BCE 0400-Aug-20', 'Boukátios')
('BCE 0400-Sep-19', 'Boathóos')
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', 'Heraîos')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', 'Dadaphórios')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', 'Poitrópios')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', 'Amálios')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', 'Búsios')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', 'Theoxénios')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', 'Enduspoitrópios')
('BCE 0399-May-14', 'Herákleios')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', 'Ilaîos')

On Delos, some of the month names were the same as the Athenian, but the year began after the winter solstice.

>>> year = ha.delian_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', 'Lēnaiṓn')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', 'Hierós')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', 'Galaxiṓn')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', 'Artemisiṓn')
('BCE 0399-May-14', 'Thargēliṓn')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', 'Pánēmos')
('BCE 0399-Jul-11', 'Hekatombaiṓn')
('BCE 0399-Aug-10', 'Metageitniṓn')
('BCE 0399-Sep-08', 'Bouphoniṓn')
('BCE 0399-Oct-08', 'Apatouriṓn')
('BCE 0399-Nov-06', 'Arēsiṓn')
('BCE 0399-Dec-06', 'Posideiṓn')


Something special to note about this invocation of delian_festival_calendar(). Ancient Greek years usually span two Julian years (the end of one and beginning of the next). This is why we refer to the Athenian year 400/399: because it begins in the middle of 400 and ends in the middle of 399. To get the calendar from athenian_festival_year() you pass it the first year of the span, 400 BCE or, in astronomical year numbering, -399. Think of this as the year of the summer solstice after which the year begins.

Because the winter solstice falls near the end of December, a lunisolar year following this solstice will frequently not begin until the next Julian year. In the example above, delian_festival_calendar(-399) asks for the year following the winter solstice of 400 BCE. This year doesn’t begin until January 16, 399, though, and we would have to call it 399/398.

The Corinthian, Argive, and Spartan calendars probably all begin at the last new moon before the autumn equinox so that the equinox falls in the first month (unlike the Athenian, where the solstice falls in the last month)

>>> year = ha.corinthian_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Sep-19', 'Phoinikaîos')
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', 'Kráneios')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', 'Lanotropíos')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', 'Makhaneús')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', 'Dōdekateús')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', 'Εúkleios')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', 'Artemísios')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', 'Psudreús')
('BCE 0399-May-14', 'Gameílios')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', 'Agriánios')
('BCE 0399-Jul-11', 'Pánamos')
('BCE 0399-Aug-10', 'Apellaîos')

We don’t know all the names of the Spartan months or their order, so spartan_festival_calendar() returns a generic calendar (see Generic Calendar below) in which the months are simply numbered:

>>> year = ha.spartan_festival_calendar(-399)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Sep-19', '1')
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', '2')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', '3')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', '4')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', '5')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', '6')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', '7')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', '8')
('BCE 0399-May-14', '9')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', '10')
('BCE 0399-Jul-11', '11')
('BCE 0399-Aug-10', '12')

The months of fully generic calendar (see Generic Calendar, below) have ordinal numbers as Greek names: Πρῶτος, Δεύτερος, etc. So that a Spartan calendar cannot be confused with a truly generic calendar, the Greek names of Spartan months are δεῖνα αʹ, δεῖνα βʹ, etc. (which you can interpret as “Unknown 1”, “Unknown 2”):

>>> year = ha.spartan_festival_calendar(-399, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.GREEK)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Sep-19', 'δεῖνα αʹ')
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', 'δεῖνα βʹ')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', 'δεῖνα γʹ')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', 'δεῖνα δʹ')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', 'δεῖνα εʹ')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', 'δεῖνα ϛʹ')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', 'δεῖνα ζʹ')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', 'δεῖνα ηʹ')
('BCE 0399-May-14', 'δεῖνα θʹ')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', 'δεῖνα ιʹ')
('BCE 0399-Jul-11', 'δεῖνα ιαʹ')
('BCE 0399-Aug-10', 'δεῖνα ιβʹ')

Generic Calendar

The a function for creating a generic calendar (the calendar-specific functions are simply wrappers around this) is festival_calendar().

With the default values it returns a calendar that begins after the summer solstice with months that are simply numbered:

>>> year = ha.festival_calendar(-399)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Jul-22', '1')
('BCE 0400-Aug-20', '2')
('BCE 0400-Sep-19', '3')
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', '4')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', '5')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', '6')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', '7')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', '8')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', '9')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', '10')
('BCE 0399-May-14', '11')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', '12')

The Greek option gives the months named by Greek numerals. Some calendars were actually this generic. For instance, the Achaean calendar began after the autumn equinox, and the months were simply numbered. With the corresponding options, we can generate this:

>>> year = ha.festival_calendar(-399, event=ha.Seasons.AUTUMN_EQUINOX, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.GREEK)
>>> months = ha.by_months(year)
>>> month_names = [(ha.as_julian(m[0].jdn), m[0].month_name) for m in months]
>>> for m in month_names:
...     print(m)
('BCE 0400-Oct-18', 'Πρῶτος')
('BCE 0400-Nov-17', 'Δεύτερος')
('BCE 0400-Dec-17', 'Τρίτος')
('BCE 0399-Jan-16', 'Τέταρτος')
('BCE 0399-Feb-15', 'Πέμπτος')
('BCE 0399-Mar-16', 'Ἕκτος')
('BCE 0399-Apr-14', 'Ἕβδομος')
('BCE 0399-May-14', 'Ὄγδοος')
('BCE 0399-Jun-12', 'Ἔνατος')
('BCE 0399-Jul-11', 'Δέκατος')
('BCE 0399-Aug-10', 'Ἑνδέκατος')
('BCE 0399-Sep-08', 'Δωδέκατος')

The data Parameter

This parameter is used to supply your own astronomical (solstice, equinox, and new moon data). See “Ephimerides and Custom Data” below.

Constants for Months and Seasons

This section will cover constants used to identify various calendar months (AthenianMonths, ArgiveMonths, CorinthianMonths, DelianMonths, DelphianMonths, and GenericMonths) and those used to identify seasons (that is solstices and equinoxes) Seasons

It also introduces functions that use these constants to retrieve month names and dates for solstices, equinoxes, and new moons.


Months are represented by one set of constants for each calendar available in Heniautos. Each constant has an integer value that is the normal position of the month in the given calendar. For instance, for the Athenian calendar the constants come from AthenianMonths:

>>> for m in tuple(ha.AthenianMonths):
...     m
<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>
<AthenianMonths.MET: 2>
<AthenianMonths.BOE: 3>
<AthenianMonths.PUA: 4>
<AthenianMonths.MAI: 5>
<AthenianMonths.POS: 6>
<AthenianMonths.GAM: 7>
<AthenianMonths.ANT: 8>
<AthenianMonths.ELA: 9>
<AthenianMonths.MOU: 10>
<AthenianMonths.THA: 11>
<AthenianMonths.SKI: 12>

The integer values can be used:

>>> int(ha.AthenianMonths.SKI)
>>> ha.AthenianMonths.SKI > ha.AthenianMonths.HEK

The month property of a FestivalDay contains the month constant. Due to intercalation, this value may not be the same as the position of the given month in a given year. The position of the month in a year should always be determined by the month_index property of a FestivalDay. In an ordinary year, like 426 BCE, the constant values will correspond to the month indices. If we examine Elaphēboliṓn (normally the 9th month) 426, for instance:

>>> m = ha.by_months(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-425))
>>> (m[8][0].month_index, m[8][0].month)
(9, <AthenianMonths.ELA: 9>)

If 425 BCE is intercalary though, and the intercalary month is the 6th, Posideiṓn, Elaphēboliṓn, will be the tenth month:

>>> m = ha.by_months(ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-424))
>>> (m[5][0].month_index, m[5][0].month)
(6, <AthenianMonths.POS: 6>)
>>> (m[6][0].month_index, m[6][0].month)
(7, <Months.INT: 13>)
>>> (m[9][0].month_index, m[9][0].month)
(10, <AthenianMonths.ELA: 9>)


Note that the intercalary month is always assigned the month constant Months.INT (regardless of the specific calendar).

The other month constants are ArgiveMonths, CorinthianMonths, DelianMonths, DelphianMonths, and GenericMonths. Some months on different calendars have the same names but they are represented by different constants. For instance, Hekatombaiṓn occurs both on the Athenian calendar, as the first month, and the Delian calendar, as the seventh (though they usually occur at the same time since the Delian year begins six months before the Athenian). These are represented by two different constants:

>>> ha.AthenianMonths.HEK
<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>
>>> ha.DelianMonths.HEK
<DelianMonths.HEK: 7>
>>> ha.AthenianMonths.HEK == ha.DelianMonths.HEK

spartan_festival_calendar() returns GenericMonths because we do not know the actual months:

>>> ha.spartan_festival_calendar(-399)[0].month
<GenericMonths.M01: 1>

Use the month_name() function to convert a constant to its transliterated name (default), abbreviation, or Greek name.

>>> ha.month_name(ha.AthenianMonths.HEK)
>>> ha.month_name(ha.AthenianMonths.HEK, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.ABBREV)
>>> ha.month_name(ha.AthenianMonths.HEK, name_as=ha.MonthNameOptions.GREEK)


We saw the Seasons constants above under the Generic Calendar. These identify the solstices and equinoxes that are important to Greek calendars:

>>> for s in ha.Seasons:
...     s

To find the date of a historical solstice or equinox, use solar_event() or observed_solar_event() with one of these constants. The difference between the two is that solar_event() returns the exact Julian Date of the event (that is, the astronomical truth):

>>> ha.solar_event(-399, ha.Seasons.SUMMER_SOLSTICE)
>>> ha.as_julian(ha.solar_event(-399, ha.Seasons.SUMMER_SOLSTICE), full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jun-28 07:06:35 GMT'

observed_solar_event() returns the event rounded to the nearest Julian Day Number, optionally adjusted by the offset s_off (discussed under Day of the Solstice)

>>> ha.observed_solar_event(-399, ha.Seasons.SUMMER_SOLSTICE)
>>> ha.as_julian(ha.observed_solar_event(-399, ha.Seasons.SUMMER_SOLSTICE), full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jun-28 12:00:00 GMT'
>>> ha.as_julian(ha.observed_solar_event(-399, ha.Seasons.SUMMER_SOLSTICE, s_off=-1), full=True)
'BCE 0400-Jun-27 12:00:00 GMT'

Like solar events, there are functions for new moons and visible new moons. new_moons() returns exact Julian Dates, while visible_new_moons() are rounded to the nearest Julian Day Number with an offset. As with v_off (see First Day of the Month) the default offset is 1 day. They also return tuples containing the dates of all the new moons in the calendar (not the Greek) year

>>> ha.new_moons(-399)
(1575348.655074811, 1575378.1413952103, 1575407.517358738, 1575436.8253117797, 1575466.1110969426, 1575495.4158226792, 1575524.7752166032, 1575554.222185349, 1575583.7858906111, 1575613.4801067342, 1575643.281607354, 1575673.119159554)
>>> ha.visible_new_moons(-399)
(1575350, 1575379, 1575409, 1575438, 1575467, 1575496, 1575526, 1575555, 1575585, 1575614, 1575644, 1575674)
>>> ha.visible_new_moons(-399, v_off=2)
(1575351, 1575380, 1575410, 1575439, 1575468, 1575497, 1575527, 1575556, 1575586, 1575615, 1575645, 1575675)

Internally, these functions are used to determine the dates of months in the Greek year, and most importantly, when the year starts. If the observed summer solstice of 400 BCE is on JDN 1575502 (June 28), then the next year begins at the first visible new moon after, which falls on JDN 1575526 (July 22) and the following months begin on each following visible new moon.

Finding Festival Calendar Dates

You can find a festival calendar date from a Julian Day Number with jdn_to_festival_day():

>>> fest_day = ha.jdn_to_festival_day(1575526)
>>> fest_day
FestivalDay(jdn=1575526, month_name='Hekatombaiṓn', month_index=1, month=<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>, month_length=29, day=1, doy=1, year='BCE 400/399', year_length=354, astronomical_year=-399)
>>> ha.as_julian(fest_day)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'

With julian_to_festival_day() you can find a festival calendar date with a Julian year, month, and day. As usual, the year must be given in Astronomical Year Numbering, the month and day must be integers:

>>> julian_day = ha.julian_to_festival_day(-399, 7, 22)
>>> julian_day
FestivalDay(jdn=1575526, month_name='Hekatombaiṓn', month_index=1, month=<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>, month_length=29, day=1, doy=1, year='BCE 400/399', year_length=354, astronomical_year=-399)
>>> ha.as_julian(julian_day)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'
>>> ha.as_gregorian(julian_day)
'BCE 0400-Jul-17'

gregorian_to_festival_day() works similarly:

>>> gregorian_day = ha.gregorian_to_festival_day(-399, 7, 22)
>>> gregorian_day
FestivalDay(jdn=1575531, month_name='Hekatombaiṓn', month_index=1, month=<AthenianMonths.HEK: 1>, month_length=29, day=6, doy=6, year='BCE 400/399', year_length=354, astronomical_year=-399)
>>> ha.as_julian(gregorian_day)
'BCE 0400-Jul-27'
>>> ha.as_gregorian(gregorian_day)
'BCE 0400-Jul-22'

Ephimerides and Custom Data

Heniautos comes with solstice/equinox and new moon data from 633 to 1 BCE and 1899 to 2150 CE. This range should allow generating calendars for most of the interesting years in the time of the Greeks as well as decent coverage for hypothetical modern day calendars. This data has been derived from the DE431 ephemeris published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

If you want to use a different data source or data for different years there are two ways to do it

data Parameter

All the functions that rely on solar and lunar data for calculations have an optional data parameter. The data provided should be a dict with a solstices and new_moons keys. Each values should be tuple containg more tuples of Julian Dates and codes for the kind of date. For lunar data the only code is 0 for the new moon. For solar data, the values are 0 = spring equinox, 1 = summer solstice, 2 = autumn equinox, 3 = winter solstice. For instance:

>>> custom_data = {
    "solstices": (
        (1685074.3287422964, 1),
        (1685439.5648092534, 1),
    "new_moons": (
        (1684907.0310656228, 0),
        (1684936.490878384, 0),
        (1684965.8702085295, 0),
        (1685291.0009266976, 0),
        (1685320.5018709311, 0),
        (1685349.9050228074, 0),
        (1685704.4562648418, 0),
        (1685733.8966757061, 0),

You can also provide a function that will return data in the proper format. This is how Heniautos works internally. The default value of the data parameter is a private function that returns the default data.

Use Ephemeris

You can use an ephemeris like DE431 directly for any date supported by the ephemeris. You must first have the optional dependency Skyfield installed as well as an ephemeris file downloaded.

To access this ephemeris data, import heniautos.ephemeris module, initialize the ephemeris, and use heniautos.ephemeris.get_ephemeris_data() to extract a data structure in the proper format. For example, if a copy of de431.bsp is in your current working directory:

>>> import heniautos.ephemeris as heph
>>> e = heph.init_ephemeris(eph="de431.bsp")
>>> data = heph.get_ephemeris_data(-999, -949, e)
>>> ha.athenian_festival_calendar(-999, data=data)